thiS few daY am.. feelinG BAD!31 May - wak3 up at 1pm... weNt to pAsiR rIs Park
at 4pm to
catCh fisH! Uncle sImOn waS theRe mahx..!
he teACh m3 hw to thROw eTc.
hahazZ.. excItIng eh, wHen th3 fisH kaNna hoOk up!
gOnnA use aloT of effOrt siaZ!!!
th3 shop closE at 7pm mahx..
i got a faT fisH durIng my laSt throw
called FInger mark SnapER!
loLz.. reaLly tirEd ehx!!! buT exciting lahX!
aT nitEz, brOught hOr fAn for diNner..
eat le.. i feeL abit sicK eh..
feEl sO hoT.. (heaty) deNz..
caN't sleeP dUrinG the nitE.
KEep wak3 up in beTweEn my sleEPz..! haiiZ
reALly sufFer loR!
next daE.. my heAD feel soo paiN (sharp pain le)
deNz.. beri weaK. laZy to wake up! keEP on layIng on beD.
waIt untiL 4pm deN got fOOd to eaT! sOoo poOr thIng!
at niTE.. stomaChacH.. feELing terrIble lahx..!
caN't sLeep alSO rUn in and out of the beD..
tO sofA.. reaLLy sufFer lor.
waKe up at 4 or 5am. went to the tOiLEt and flush out!
cUm out from the toileT. i wANna vomit. YucKs!
it's like... no strEngth.. to shouT or do anyThing.
buT... i still ask my dad to tak3 a plaStic bag for m3!
henG ah, juS in tim3. not aLot of thing cum out lahx..
onli like sliva.. lolz.. but after thrOw out..
i can at least slp beTta!
yuPx..! hop3fully... will gEt betTeR lahX!