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BLOG STARTED: 24/01/05
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Monday, May 16, 2005
my eXaM jouRney (NWF) @ 4:41 pm
yES!!! NWF papEr is finaLy oveR!i maNage to waKe up at 6 30am. phEwit wAS raiNinG heaviLy.. sO cold!!!wOw, was suPrisE tat sHeh LIng nV sleeP cOs she was at heR frIend hSe doiNg study!eventUally gOnna shAre cAb wIth heR to skOOl de.buT sh3 waiteD fOr sooo lOng stiLL duN haf caB. haIix..sO i tOT of zIdaNe!!! Haha.. immediAteLy i caLLed him up, and aSk for heLp. yuP.. h3 waS aboUT to leAve hiS hse sO, i aSk him tO lOnbaNg uS loR. eH.. wAS abit sOrry+paIseh loR, coS he gONna cum tO pOTonG pasir to FetcH m3!sO sOrrY ah! hiS daD caR ah supEr dupEr hiGh.lOLz... and onli allOw 4 peRson to sit! phEw!!!ZIDANE thanks fOr asking Ur Dad to fetcH m3!rEAch the ExaM roOm, wAH seh, 1 persOn 1 taBle. So nErvOuS ehWas like PaniCk and gUeSS waD... i fOrgEt to bRing mY sTudeNt Pass.luCKy the tEacHer knoW me! lOLz.. fliP thrOugh thE paPer.. wOw, eASy.but i guEss i maNage to sCOre 80 or belOw. sO wAs trYing hARd to figUre out which is thE cOrreCt aNsWer! hOpeFUlLy can gEt a A fOr my NWF ba! sTUPid sEctIOn heAd, cuM catCh m3 for my haIr! aSShoLe heheXx! aFteR paPer, waitEd fOr jasMine at tRaCK and fieLd aS she wAS takinG her XML test! meAnwhil3, chatteD wiF tsE siANg loR! wENt maKan at tOa pAyoH wIF jaSmine And yOng xIAn. WE ate O.R fiLet BurGer at KFC. 2.95 niA! (beRi smaLL ah) loLz.. ehx, forget to tak3 $1 back frOm jasMin3! hohoHOx! JasMine wANna buy maSK, SO went tO leE waH shoP, saW jeSsica wOrKing therE! suRprIse me ehx! haHaxnoW reLAx aBit ba..! 1 moRe paPer tO gO!! PCA i aM cuMing fOr u...!
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
about me
Name: Winnie Leong
Age: 21
Birthday: 13/10/1987
School: Republic Polytechnic
Horoscope: Libra
Email: melodicious_pink@hotmail.com
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My Darling & M3
Monday, May 16, 2005
my eXaM jouRney (NWF) @ 4:41 pm
yES!!! NWF papEr is finaLy oveR!i maNage to waKe up at 6 30am. phEwit wAS raiNinG heaviLy.. sO cold!!!wOw, was suPrisE tat sHeh LIng nV sleeP cOs she was at heR frIend hSe doiNg study!eventUally gOnna shAre cAb wIth heR to skOOl de.buT sh3 waiteD fOr sooo lOng stiLL duN haf caB. haIix..sO i tOT of zIdaNe!!! Haha.. immediAteLy i caLLed him up, and aSk for heLp. yuP.. h3 waS aboUT to leAve hiS hse sO, i aSk him tO lOnbaNg uS loR. eH.. wAS abit sOrry+paIseh loR, coS he gONna cum tO pOTonG pasir to FetcH m3!sO sOrrY ah! hiS daD caR ah supEr dupEr hiGh.lOLz... and onli allOw 4 peRson to sit! phEw!!!ZIDANE thanks fOr asking Ur Dad to fetcH m3!rEAch the ExaM roOm, wAH seh, 1 persOn 1 taBle. So nErvOuS ehWas like PaniCk and gUeSS waD... i fOrgEt to bRing mY sTudeNt Pass.luCKy the tEacHer knoW me! lOLz.. fliP thrOugh thE paPer.. wOw, eASy.but i guEss i maNage to sCOre 80 or belOw. sO wAs trYing hARd to figUre out which is thE cOrreCt aNsWer! hOpeFUlLy can gEt a A fOr my NWF ba! sTUPid sEctIOn heAd, cuM catCh m3 for my haIr! aSShoLe heheXx! aFteR paPer, waitEd fOr jasMine at tRaCK and fieLd aS she wAS takinG her XML test! meAnwhil3, chatteD wiF tsE siANg loR! wENt maKan at tOa pAyoH wIF jaSmine And yOng xIAn. WE ate O.R fiLet BurGer at KFC. 2.95 niA! (beRi smaLL ah) loLz.. ehx, forget to tak3 $1 back frOm jasMin3! hohoHOx! JasMine wANna buy maSK, SO went tO leE waH shoP, saW jeSsica wOrKing therE! suRprIse me ehx! haHaxnoW reLAx aBit ba..! 1 moRe paPer tO gO!! PCA i aM cuMing fOr u...!
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image: scienceishardcore
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cursor: lovecandied
Those Close ones
.::Poh Yee::.
.::Jun Sheng::.
.::Jing Kai::.
_*kAi LiaNg*_
_*YOk HAo*_
_*SoNg Hui*_