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BLOG STARTED: 24/01/05
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
haiizzz... @ 5:15 pm
haiiz.. so long nv blog! today, receive a bad news. my koR kanna biKe accident! breAk his aRm! wah laoX! ytd, jus went to watch movie with him. den was the last time to take his bik3 lor! so sad now. haiiz~ why like tat! so painful... realli no mood! waiting for his frenz to fetch me to the hospital! hOW!? got to pRay hArd for him!!!! why my kOr so sUay de!! hOpe all the bad lucks go AWay!!!!!!!! haiizz
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
about me
Name: Winnie Leong
Age: 21
Birthday: 13/10/1987
School: Republic Polytechnic
Horoscope: Libra
Email: melodicious_pink@hotmail.com
Friendster : Click Here
My Loves
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? Friends
? SweetHeart :D
? Sleeping
? Shopping!
My Darling & M3
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
haiizzz... @ 5:15 pm
haiiz.. so long nv blog! today, receive a bad news. my koR kanna biKe accident! breAk his aRm! wah laoX! ytd, jus went to watch movie with him. den was the last time to take his bik3 lor! so sad now. haiiz~ why like tat! so painful... realli no mood! waiting for his frenz to fetch me to the hospital! hOW!? got to pRay hArd for him!!!! why my kOr so sUay de!! hOpe all the bad lucks go AWay!!!!!!!! haiizz
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
designer: stephanie
image: scienceishardcore
powered by: blogspot
cursor: lovecandied
Those Close ones
.::Poh Yee::.
.::Jun Sheng::.
.::Jing Kai::.
_*kAi LiaNg*_
_*YOk HAo*_
_*SoNg Hui*_