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BLOG STARTED: 24/01/05
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
paRt 2 @ 3:03 pm
to be continue here, part 2~ haha juSt waKe up! th3 weather so hot eh! lik3 burninG up sia! haha wherE did i stop yesterdae? mm.. yap.. the nExt day 08/04/05::: i wAs havIng 2.4km rUn. wah liEw... it wAs badly don3 lahx.. i did 3 round of running.. and i feel lik3 vomitting.. so i gib up and reSt! haiyox.. if cHerZ nv saE u can Gib up ruNning hor, i tHink i WOn't Gib up dE lahx! saDdddd!!! sOooo suX lor! haiii... aFtER tat, mY sIs + jIe fu + brOther and my nieCe, caMe to feTch m3 ouT fROm skoOl. wenT tO look fOr babY stUff aS my sIs is prEgnAnt! OoooXX! brouGht a rinG ball fOr my dog! hahaha. tAt rIng baLL i usE to plaY in my younG dayS! sOo cute! heEheex.. my bRother and m3 wenT back hom3 fIrst as i WaNted to batH and h3 waNted to taKe som3thing. beFore mEeting up my sIs, wEnt ouT wif mum to geT baby jewellY! iyoo.. chooSe beri loNg wor! i waitEd for quite long, and wAs abit du laN! diaOx! rUsh dOwn to Suntec, meEt my sis. wAhx, sAw the sUpErsTar tents has beEn build up! omG! sOoo scary. lolx =D wAtch the show pAcifiEr. MM.. is a nicE show le! tO b3 REcoMMended from M3! hahaa! u guyS can waTch it! wEnt tO siS's hSe waTch I dO I dO show, and meAnwhile have oUr dInnEr (beEf hOr fAn and dUrian) yUMmmyy!! 09/04/05 ::: ah.. miSs my secOnd tim3 singIng couRse!!! argH.. i Went to the supERstAr thinGs.. fOr audition?! aM so sCaRe, aSK alOng sHehLing, aHbeE and shErly and huitinG tO acCompaNy m3. THAnks tO u gUySS!! lOoking at thE cOnstestAnt! mAke me, abiT nERvouS lahx.. sO i keEp on practice! FInally, gU ci yOng qi, weNt iN tO sing. qUeuing up, waItinG for the moVe. gUess wad, iyo.. tOdae is not the audItiOn day Lahx. iS juSt for regIstratIon! dIaox.. den was like sIAN full.. pEOple sIngIng therE is juSt tO waRm up! bO liaO rite? sIao 1.. JIng yOng wAs there fOr registrAtion toO. sheH liNg and m3 meet him up to gO zIdanE's bdae pARty! wE plaY jok3 wIF him on thE wAY tO mEet zIdaNe. maKe him sO irRitated! hahaha! wAH sEh, a gANgs of pEoplE waS therE sia! sO ... sCary lor! iyoX. sHeh LiNg and m3 wAs like SO paisEh, wANna leavE sIa, end up.. goiNG! dotsS! thankS to aqUa yonG yong aCcomPAniee! lolx.. wE gaVe him a fEw niCKname lah, xIao yOng, Yong yOnG, aquA yOng yOng! lolx.. sOo funnY! aFter the party ends, i weNt doWn wif a caB tO meEt plEx fOr movie. wAtch the shOw beAuty shop, noT reALLy nicE lahx, alOt of taLkiNg.. maKe me so tired, keEP yawNing..! buAy ta Han. rEach hom3 at 4am. cAn't imaginE rite! so naughtyYy! thank u, pleX fOr the moVie tickeT and the sUshi! end here, my Kor waNna usE pc liaOx.. sOo bye bye
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
about me
Name: Winnie Leong
Age: 21
Birthday: 13/10/1987
School: Republic Polytechnic
Horoscope: Libra
Email: melodicious_pink@hotmail.com
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My Darling & M3
Sunday, April 10, 2005
paRt 2 @ 3:03 pm
to be continue here, part 2~ haha juSt waKe up! th3 weather so hot eh! lik3 burninG up sia! haha wherE did i stop yesterdae? mm.. yap.. the nExt day 08/04/05::: i wAs havIng 2.4km rUn. wah liEw... it wAs badly don3 lahx.. i did 3 round of running.. and i feel lik3 vomitting.. so i gib up and reSt! haiyox.. if cHerZ nv saE u can Gib up ruNning hor, i tHink i WOn't Gib up dE lahx! saDdddd!!! sOooo suX lor! haiii... aFtER tat, mY sIs + jIe fu + brOther and my nieCe, caMe to feTch m3 ouT fROm skoOl. wenT tO look fOr babY stUff aS my sIs is prEgnAnt! OoooXX! brouGht a rinG ball fOr my dog! hahaha. tAt rIng baLL i usE to plaY in my younG dayS! sOo cute! heEheex.. my bRother and m3 wenT back hom3 fIrst as i WaNted to batH and h3 waNted to taKe som3thing. beFore mEeting up my sIs, wEnt ouT wif mum to geT baby jewellY! iyoo.. chooSe beri loNg wor! i waitEd for quite long, and wAs abit du laN! diaOx! rUsh dOwn to Suntec, meEt my sis. wAhx, sAw the sUpErsTar tents has beEn build up! omG! sOoo scary. lolx =D wAtch the show pAcifiEr. MM.. is a nicE show le! tO b3 REcoMMended from M3! hahaa! u guyS can waTch it! wEnt tO siS's hSe waTch I dO I dO show, and meAnwhile have oUr dInnEr (beEf hOr fAn and dUrian) yUMmmyy!! 09/04/05 ::: ah.. miSs my secOnd tim3 singIng couRse!!! argH.. i Went to the supERstAr thinGs.. fOr audition?! aM so sCaRe, aSK alOng sHehLing, aHbeE and shErly and huitinG tO acCompaNy m3. THAnks tO u gUySS!! lOoking at thE cOnstestAnt! mAke me, abiT nERvouS lahx.. sO i keEp on practice! FInally, gU ci yOng qi, weNt iN tO sing. qUeuing up, waItinG for the moVe. gUess wad, iyo.. tOdae is not the audItiOn day Lahx. iS juSt for regIstratIon! dIaox.. den was like sIAN full.. pEOple sIngIng therE is juSt tO waRm up! bO liaO rite? sIao 1.. JIng yOng wAs there fOr registrAtion toO. sheH liNg and m3 meet him up to gO zIdanE's bdae pARty! wE plaY jok3 wIF him on thE wAY tO mEet zIdaNe. maKe him sO irRitated! hahaha! wAH sEh, a gANgs of pEoplE waS therE sia! sO ... sCary lor! iyoX. sHeh LiNg and m3 wAs like SO paisEh, wANna leavE sIa, end up.. goiNG! dotsS! thankS to aqUa yonG yong aCcomPAniee! lolx.. wE gaVe him a fEw niCKname lah, xIao yOng, Yong yOnG, aquA yOng yOng! lolx.. sOo funnY! aFter the party ends, i weNt doWn wif a caB tO meEt plEx fOr movie. wAtch the shOw beAuty shop, noT reALLy nicE lahx, alOt of taLkiNg.. maKe me so tired, keEP yawNing..! buAy ta Han. rEach hom3 at 4am. cAn't imaginE rite! so naughtyYy! thank u, pleX fOr the moVie tickeT and the sUshi! end here, my Kor waNna usE pc liaOx.. sOo bye bye
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
designer: stephanie
image: scienceishardcore
powered by: blogspot
cursor: lovecandied
Those Close ones
.::Poh Yee::.
.::Jun Sheng::.
.::Jing Kai::.
_*kAi LiaNg*_
_*YOk HAo*_
_*SoNg Hui*_