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BLOG STARTED: 24/01/05
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
iS steLLa's biRthDae @ 12:19 am
oOoo~ baCk fROm steLLa's biRthDae cElebrAtiOn~ooOo is reaLLy a tirEd and sheK day. meEt steLLa, ah beE, sHeH lINg at harbouR froNt. gUesS Wad, as uSuaL sheh liNg waS laTe sO do i.. maKe de 2 poOR juNiOr waIted fOr uS foR dUnNO how long! hehehX... SOrry le, bu sHi gU yi de! wE wENt to had ouR breAdfAst at th3 intercHanGe fOOd centre. after tat heAd toWard th3 shoPPing maLL to get addIdaS vollEybaLL! cOnIncidEnly sHeh lIng's frenz woRk theRe, SO geT some discOunT loR. SteLla waNted to pASs thE ball tO ah BeE...aNd gUEsS wAD!?!?! sH3 hitS thE baLl toOoo sTraigHt and haRd toWarD the ceLLing, anD cAusE the thing tO drop dOWN... wE wAs like fastER waLk and gO... hahahaha! wAd a meMoriSE dAy fOr heR! lolXxx!wE reAch palAwaNg beAch at 12 pluS i thInk. Was realLy lAte loR...! wE plaY arOund, reLAx, and the guYs beSIde us... sOooo irrItATinGGG!! haIyO... i cAN't stANd lor! sO noSY! kaM deSpo! buay Ta haN! yeAh, i KANNa suNbUrn abIt ba!! heheX... noW reALLy so hot.. haha! aHh.. wE do sUn taNning, plaY voLleYbaLL, eTc..! aRound 4 pluS pEggY, eStheR, bAO liNg aNd 1 moRe giRL... paiSEh, duNNo heR name caMe lor!!! wE gaTher up, puLL sTeLLa dowN thE waTer loR! hahaha! dEN she reVengE...! i sOoo tIred.. and wAs inJure la..! dUn wanna tOk abouT how i Get the InjuRy loR. th3 lifE guaRd naMe gAsnNe gIve m3 som3 firSt aid la.. KAo eh, sPraY a trANsparEnt duNNo wAD, sO tat geRm wON't gEt in To my injurY... bLuFf me lor, sAE abIT paIn..!! waD thE... is reALly paiN ah... hoT ah! cRY eh, wAH liEW! soME morE cRy untIl so ja lA! i TOt i cAN rEN... but wAD de...!! pAIn loR!!! aRgHh!! tOT of iT reALly... HOT! leFt thE plACe at 6pm. sAw huI hUi (my SIngIng leSSon frEnz) at tHe tOileT! lolx.. weNt to cHOng cHong (seRAngoOn garDEn) had biG feAst! sTinRaY, lA la, GOnG gOng, tIe baN tuO fu... waH seh, they reaLly bIg eAter ah! beSt sEh! aFter tat, weNt to cofFee beAN, brouGht a slicE of cAke foR steLLa, had a bDae song FOr her, aNd SABOH!!!! heheX.. stELLa,PegGy, aH bEe, eStheR, sHEH liNg all kanNa thE wipE crEAM.. lucKy FOr me nopE! i finD it... disgusTIng... hiDE fOr it! lolx..! waS reaLLy tirEd la.. oH... paSs by cAfe cartel sAW oLinDa(th3 sIngaPore idoL) nO big deaL! lolx... pEgGy & m3
M3 & biRdaE gIrl sTeLLa baCK hOme ammmm sOoo tiREd le!! sTIll wrITe bloGGy.. tMl is my rEst dAy! haHa...!! am plaNniNg haRd fOr the NexT outInG! heHEx.x.x yeAH!!
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
about me
Name: Winnie Leong
Age: 21
Birthday: 13/10/1987
School: Republic Polytechnic
Horoscope: Libra
Email: melodicious_pink@hotmail.com
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My Darling & M3
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
iS steLLa's biRthDae @ 12:19 am
oOoo~ baCk fROm steLLa's biRthDae cElebrAtiOn~ooOo is reaLLy a tirEd and sheK day. meEt steLLa, ah beE, sHeH lINg at harbouR froNt. gUesS Wad, as uSuaL sheh liNg waS laTe sO do i.. maKe de 2 poOR juNiOr waIted fOr uS foR dUnNO how long! hehehX... SOrry le, bu sHi gU yi de! wE wENt to had ouR breAdfAst at th3 intercHanGe fOOd centre. after tat heAd toWard th3 shoPPing maLL to get addIdaS vollEybaLL! cOnIncidEnly sHeh lIng's frenz woRk theRe, SO geT some discOunT loR. SteLla waNted to pASs thE ball tO ah BeE...aNd gUEsS wAD!?!?! sH3 hitS thE baLl toOoo sTraigHt and haRd toWarD the ceLLing, anD cAusE the thing tO drop dOWN... wE wAs like fastER waLk and gO... hahahaha! wAd a meMoriSE dAy fOr heR! lolXxx!wE reAch palAwaNg beAch at 12 pluS i thInk. Was realLy lAte loR...! wE plaY arOund, reLAx, and the guYs beSIde us... sOooo irrItATinGGG!! haIyO... i cAN't stANd lor! sO noSY! kaM deSpo! buay Ta haN! yeAh, i KANNa suNbUrn abIt ba!! heheX... noW reALLy so hot.. haha! aHh.. wE do sUn taNning, plaY voLleYbaLL, eTc..! aRound 4 pluS pEggY, eStheR, bAO liNg aNd 1 moRe giRL... paiSEh, duNNo heR name caMe lor!!! wE gaTher up, puLL sTeLLa dowN thE waTer loR! hahaha! dEN she reVengE...! i sOoo tIred.. and wAs inJure la..! dUn wanna tOk abouT how i Get the InjuRy loR. th3 lifE guaRd naMe gAsnNe gIve m3 som3 firSt aid la.. KAo eh, sPraY a trANsparEnt duNNo wAD, sO tat geRm wON't gEt in To my injurY... bLuFf me lor, sAE abIT paIn..!! waD thE... is reALly paiN ah... hoT ah! cRY eh, wAH liEW! soME morE cRy untIl so ja lA! i TOt i cAN rEN... but wAD de...!! pAIn loR!!! aRgHh!! tOT of iT reALly... HOT! leFt thE plACe at 6pm. sAw huI hUi (my SIngIng leSSon frEnz) at tHe tOileT! lolx.. weNt to cHOng cHong (seRAngoOn garDEn) had biG feAst! sTinRaY, lA la, GOnG gOng, tIe baN tuO fu... waH seh, they reaLly bIg eAter ah! beSt sEh! aFter tat, weNt to cofFee beAN, brouGht a slicE of cAke foR steLLa, had a bDae song FOr her, aNd SABOH!!!! heheX.. stELLa,PegGy, aH bEe, eStheR, sHEH liNg all kanNa thE wipE crEAM.. lucKy FOr me nopE! i finD it... disgusTIng... hiDE fOr it! lolx..! waS reaLLy tirEd la.. oH... paSs by cAfe cartel sAW oLinDa(th3 sIngaPore idoL) nO big deaL! lolx... pEgGy & m3
M3 & biRdaE gIrl sTeLLa baCK hOme ammmm sOoo tiREd le!! sTIll wrITe bloGGy.. tMl is my rEst dAy! haHa...!! am plaNniNg haRd fOr the NexT outInG! heHEx.x.x yeAH!!
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
designer: stephanie
image: scienceishardcore
powered by: blogspot
cursor: lovecandied
Those Close ones
.::Poh Yee::.
.::Jun Sheng::.
.::Jing Kai::.
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_*YOk HAo*_
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