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BLOG STARTED: 24/01/05
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
!~haPpy ValeNtin3 dAe~! @ 7:48 pm
cHu saN onwaRd had beeN stAying at hOm3, faCe de waLL of my houSE. FInISh up mY vampIre shOw liaO le. vaLenTin3 daE ::: mM.. weNt to sChOol aS usuAl, my lESson ends at 12 mahx, aFter scHoOl, weNt hom3 to SLeePx tilL 5 pluS, geT prEpaRe deN wenT out wIf hIm. oH... i wAs laTe eh, hehex, waited fOr de buS abouT 30 min deN soMe moRE trAffIC jaM baHx. meanwHILe wAS tokIng on phOne wIf mY sistA and Jie fU whu Is in Australia. haF sOMe gossip and nagGIng la. lolx...! finaLly i rEach suNteC. i thInk h3 waS theRE fOr quite lOng ba cOs he gOnNa get de moVie tIckeT 1st. waH seh, h3 got m3 someThing.. rOse!@! but i nV get sometHing fOr him eh. h3 sooo lu gi... keke!! ooPss! iYa, nV taKe phoTo wiF him, WAs thInkiNg of takinG photosss wIf him eh, nvM eh, stIll gOT chance de, i guEss. aFter de shOw cOnStaNtin3, we weNt to find maKan. at haNs saW his bEst ta freNz but we nV eaT therE, closE liaO. weNt TO foOd couRt eat, wahahAHa h3 serVe m3 eh... lik3 a nAN yonG! wakAakaa. i soooO xIn fU eh. maKan le, weNt tO walk waLk, waNted to taKe boat de... but cLose liaOx. so We sat dOwn neAr de meLioN therE lor. wAH seH, h3 wENt tO get soM3 alCohOl drInk! heheX.. i sIt therE waIt fOr him. tHe distaNce quitE loNg eh, peI fu tA, rUn all th3 waY tO clARk quAy de 7 eleveN get dE drInK. rUn eh, maI sIAO sIaO hoR! hahaHa.. haO li hai ehx! lolX. wE sPENt ouR day at de meLion derE lor, plaYinG scIssOr, paPer stOne, - 5, 10, 15, and sOme lam3 gaMe lor. hehehe.. rest therE aNd wAtcH sOm3 NC 16 sHOw ( ppLx LC) tiLL 4 30aM we left de pLAcE. oOoo... rEAch Hom3 sAw mY paPa! lolx.. gEt som3 qUestiOninG fRom him. lolX... after Dat i fAsteR gO aNd sleep eh! lolx.mM.. lOve 1 peOple doeSn't mAttEr wAd h3/sh3 loOk oR haVe aH!?! sOO manIx qUEstIOn... i DuN unDerStand. shUo le qIu de zUi reN! suaN liaO..! kekeX. sImPle anD easy bA! hUuuRayy!
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
about me
Name: Winnie Leong
Age: 21
Birthday: 13/10/1987
School: Republic Polytechnic
Horoscope: Libra
Email: melodicious_pink@hotmail.com
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
!~haPpy ValeNtin3 dAe~! @ 7:48 pm
cHu saN onwaRd had beeN stAying at hOm3, faCe de waLL of my houSE. FInISh up mY vampIre shOw liaO le. vaLenTin3 daE ::: mM.. weNt to sChOol aS usuAl, my lESson ends at 12 mahx, aFter scHoOl, weNt hom3 to SLeePx tilL 5 pluS, geT prEpaRe deN wenT out wIf hIm. oH... i wAs laTe eh, hehex, waited fOr de buS abouT 30 min deN soMe moRE trAffIC jaM baHx. meanwHILe wAS tokIng on phOne wIf mY sistA and Jie fU whu Is in Australia. haF sOMe gossip and nagGIng la. lolx...! finaLly i rEach suNteC. i thInk h3 waS theRE fOr quite lOng ba cOs he gOnNa get de moVie tIckeT 1st. waH seh, h3 got m3 someThing.. rOse!@! but i nV get sometHing fOr him eh. h3 sooo lu gi... keke!! ooPss! iYa, nV taKe phoTo wiF him, WAs thInkiNg of takinG photosss wIf him eh, nvM eh, stIll gOT chance de, i guEss. aFter de shOw cOnStaNtin3, we weNt to find maKan. at haNs saW his bEst ta freNz but we nV eaT therE, closE liaO. weNt TO foOd couRt eat, wahahAHa h3 serVe m3 eh... lik3 a nAN yonG! wakAakaa. i soooO xIn fU eh. maKan le, weNt tO walk waLk, waNted to taKe boat de... but cLose liaOx. so We sat dOwn neAr de meLioN therE lor. wAH seH, h3 wENt tO get soM3 alCohOl drInk! heheX.. i sIt therE waIt fOr him. tHe distaNce quitE loNg eh, peI fu tA, rUn all th3 waY tO clARk quAy de 7 eleveN get dE drInK. rUn eh, maI sIAO sIaO hoR! hahaHa.. haO li hai ehx! lolX. wE sPENt ouR day at de meLion derE lor, plaYinG scIssOr, paPer stOne, - 5, 10, 15, and sOme lam3 gaMe lor. hehehe.. rest therE aNd wAtcH sOm3 NC 16 sHOw ( ppLx LC) tiLL 4 30aM we left de pLAcE. oOoo... rEAch Hom3 sAw mY paPa! lolx.. gEt som3 qUestiOninG fRom him. lolX... after Dat i fAsteR gO aNd sleep eh! lolx.mM.. lOve 1 peOple doeSn't mAttEr wAd h3/sh3 loOk oR haVe aH!?! sOO manIx qUEstIOn... i DuN unDerStand. shUo le qIu de zUi reN! suaN liaO..! kekeX. sImPle anD easy bA! hUuuRayy!
copyrighted 2009 pink0ger.blogspot.com
designer: stephanie
image: scienceishardcore
powered by: blogspot
cursor: lovecandied
Those Close ones
.::Poh Yee::.
.::Jun Sheng::.
.::Jing Kai::.
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_*YOk HAo*_
_*SoNg Hui*_